Donations & Sponsors

Donations & Sponsorships towards the 50th Reunion:

If you would like to donate towards a certain event sponsoring items or confidentially sponsor a ticket for a classmate you may be a named sponsor or remain annymous.  At our 40th & 45th reunions we did have classmates with financial and travel hardships that were unable to attend if not for the kindness of others. If a classmates does need "a little help from friends", this is entirely confidental with a ticket and nametag waiting for you.

Make your check payable & mail to:

LCHS-1966-50th Reunion

5104 Green Crest Road

La Cañada, CA 91011




GOLD LEVEL:   Bill Boelter, Jale Kutay, Candace Marshall, Dave Lovejoy

RED LEVEL: Christine Norrbom, Doug Gilmour,  Elaine Stewart-Thomson, Rick Phetteplace, Brian Rood, Kris Goodrich-Tallman, Margaret MacDonald-Gaston, John Williams

SPARTAN LEVEL: Kathy Casey-Linowski, Jim Nunn, Kris Gunderson Westland & Steve Westland, Janine George-Livingston, Vard Nelson, Craig Beardsley, Charlene Strother-Ebright, Jim Mathewson, Chris Rowe-Carstensen, Ellie Annin-van Delden, Janis Weyrauch-Beltz, Steve Schultze, Paul McElhrene, Greg Millikan, Carol Curnutt-Burt, Marc Honinckx, Sue Schmidt-Johnson, Barry Smith, Marsha Kettle-Boal, Karen Muller-Henderson, Deborah Meena-Charlup, Cory La Bianca, Lee Meyer, Gordon Wulke, Bruce Fraser, Carol Curnutt-Burt.